Letter from the AMA

The National Multi Style Governing Body for Martial Arts as recognised by its members since 1972.

Dear AMA Member

Following a meeting of the AMA Directors we want to bring you up to speed with the latest ‘return to training’ guidance and rules as agreed with DCMS and Sport England.

Essentially, there is a four-step programme that will eventually lead to full training and competition. This message covers the first two steps. We would expect all our AMA Associations and clubs to abide by the steps and guidance as laid out below.


From March 29th Outdoor training may resume for all ages and all groups. There are no limits on participation numbers providing the training is officially organised and part of the AMA & NGB guidance.

Under 18’s can return to normal training which includes CONTACT training. That means partner work is permissible.

Adults must maintain socially distanced training as per AMA guidance. However, pad work is allowed (subject to cleaning protocols). It is advised that the person holding the pads wears a mask/face covering.

As training is outdoors you must ensure a full risk assessment is in place, considering the surface, age groups, participants footwear and (obviously) the weather!

Your membership & insurance is that you are covered for outdoor training and for any conditions they might set as agreed with our broker at the start of the pandemic.

STEP TWO (no earlier than 12th April)

Under 18s to return to indoor training. Contact training and partner work is allowed. However, class size should be limited to 15 people. We would encourage face/mask covering (PPE) when doing pad-work or any form of touch contact training.

Adults: Can return to indoor training but on a one-to-one basis. Adults may train in the same room at the same time as an under 18 group providing that social distance is maintained.

The date for Step two is an indicative date and is subject to change. We have been advised that the AMA will be informed one week in advance whether the next step can go ahead. We will message our members through usual channels when we have been given the formal go ahead.

Regarding socialising and communing before and after sessions, these are determined by the prevailing government advice which all members are obliged to follow.

The date of 5th April is looking likely for an update and we will have more information at the AMA executive meeting which is being held on the 10th of April.More information following this meeting and the next step forward to normality.